The GADGirls Self-Care Guide for Anxiety

This guide provides you with 31 days (a month) of tasks to do that should help you through your walk with anxiety. Print it out and post it on your wall, then share it with your friends! Let me know when you’ve completed it by sharing, commenting, and following, and I’ll send you a gift ❤

  1. Declutter your social media friends and followers. Anyone who bothers you, promotes negativity, or you just don’t feel like you need to see on a daily basis goes.
  2. Try something new; a new recipe, a new routine, a new workout, or new ringtone. Try it.
  3. Make a to-do list and aim to cross off the 3 most important things a day from here on out.
  4. Give up Social Media for 12 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours, or a week. Whatever would be the most challenging for you.
  5. Find a Psalm that speaks to you, write it on an index card and paste in on a mirror that you use every day.
  6. Drink one more glass of water than you usually do today.
  7. Pick up your Bible before your phone. If you’ve already failed, download the Bible app and start a plan centered on anxiety.
  8. Do squats while brushing your teeth tonight.
  9. Clean your car, your room, or something else that you’ve been putting off cleaning.
  10. Write down a list of people you need to forgive.
  11. Call a friend to tell them how your week has been going. Ask them about theirs too and how you can pray for them!
  12. Pay for someone’s drink in line today.
  13. Spend an hour learning something new today. (Podcasts, YouTube, an Online Course)
  14. Write down 5 things you’re grateful for. Do this from this day all the way to day 31.
  15. Buy a candle, a bouquet of flowers, or something that smells good for your workspace, or your bedroom. If you already have something, smell it, light it, plug it in.
  16. Make a playlist and fill it with songs that will calm you down in the midst of an anxiety attack.
  17. Save 10% more of your paycheck this month. Start an emergency fund if you don’t already have one.
  18. Write down 5 things you love to do. Add them to your own self-care guide for next month, or interchange them for things you didn’t like on this list.
  19. Luxury Shower Night: These are the showers where I wash/condition my hair, maybe do a hair mask instead of condition, shave, use a sugar scrub, AND body wash. I then do a facemask and moisturize my body. If that seems like a lot, just take a bath, but use a bath bomb at least.
  20. There’s tons of free pintables online if you don’t have a book!
  21. Play with your pet for 30 minutes. If you don’t have a pet, go down to a PetSmart and pet the cats in there! Or any animal shelter close to you will have dogs too!
  22. Journal your thoughts, fears, and convictions that you’ve realized over the past 22 days.
  23. Pray for an extra 30 minutes tonight. Seems like a long time, so if you start to struggle, put on some worship music and pray the lyrics!
  24. Go for a walk around the block or around the mall.
  25. Ask a friend to lunch/coffee. The worst thing that could happen is they say no.
  26. Take a step down with your caffeine dose today. Drink something with less caffeine or take a caffeine break. Caffeine is an advocate for panic throughout the day.
  27. Put your loose change in a jar, and while you’re at it, clean out your purse!
  28. Do your devotion this morning, no excuses. Be late to work.
  29. Resolve to be really honest with God today about how you’re feeling. He can handle it.
  30. Clean out your phone contacts.
  31. Cut out unnecessary spending and resolve to budget tighter next month! Pay off your debt first.

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